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Sunday, January 5, 2020

Last Couple Standing by Matthew Norman

Still not sure if this is a three-star or four-star book. The premise threw me off and was hard to get beyond. I'll be back with a full review.

Full review:
Three and a half stars, rounded down.

The writing in this book is fantastic, and for that reason alone it deserves three stars. It's the story that threw me for a loop because honestly, it's a subject that I really don't care for. I know there are a lot of people who have "relaxed" marriages or relaxed rules about marriage but that's just not my deal and I have a hard time sympathizing with couples who have problems following that decision.

The characters were well developed and likable even, though I absolutely found myself liking Mitch more than his wife, Jessica. And there wasn't a lot to like in the other characters, honestly, because they played such a small role, other than to refer to them as the "Core Four" more than once, which grated on my nerves.

And that bartender? OMG are you kidding? His whole story was absolutely unbelievable. You'll need some suspension of disbelief on this guy for sure. (The end of this book was absolutely absurd...every single bit of it, and it lost a star for that.)

All in all a decent read. If you like chick lit and/or you don't mind reading about open marriages, you'll probably love this. It just wasn't for me so much.

Many thanks to NetGalley and the publisher for the ARC in exchange for an honest review.

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